Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Modern Problems Live June 25, 2011

Ok, I am all caught up on the episodes of Modern Problems Live. We are looking for some emails from listeners. So hit us up if you have something to say, I would love to hear from you out there.

Modern Problems Live June 18, 2011

Modern Problems Live for june 18th uploaded at last. I know it has been a week and I will upload this weeks show shortly but I have been going thru some things at home... BLAH BLAH BLAH! The truth is I have been lazy. So listen in and let us know what you think.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Modern Problems Live for June 11th, 2011

One this episode...

Sarah Palin, the Poor, and Mexican Clothing makes your topic list this week. Listen in. Let us know what you think and as always, Thanks...

Modern Problems Live for May 28th, 2011

In this episode you will find the matters of Life, Death, and everything between... And maybe some laughs. So listen in and tells us what you think.