Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Modern Problems Live for the week of December 2nd 2011

It's just Tony and Me this week. Doug was out and about doing whatever he does, so Tony and I talk about WOW. This is a longer show and we do talk about Modern Problems but only after we cover our World of Warcraft experiences. Listen in and let us know what you think.

Modern Problems Live for the week of November 19th 2011

This is the show from the 19th of November. Still playing with the equipment. Check it out and email us with your ideas...

Monday, November 14, 2011

Occupy Chapel Hill reaches a whole new level.

For anyone out in America or the world who has not been following the Occupy Movement, here is a link to the Wiki site for an over view. But something happen this past weekend in Chapel Hill North Carolina that really pushes the line. Check this out.

Police team swarms Chapel Hill protesters
KATELYN FERRAL - Kferral@newsobserver.com
Police brandishing handguns and assault rifles enter a vacant Franklin Street car dealership Sunday and arrest demonstrators who had taken over the building Saturday night as part of Occupy Chapel Hill.

Read more: http://www.newsobserver.com/2011/11/14/1642841/police-team-swarms-chapel-hill.html#ixzz1dhML8ZvN
And Here: The Daily Tarheel's video of the Occupy protesters arrested

Modern Problems Live for the week of November 12th 2011

This week we announce our Hippo-Crate of the month, Poverty Levels and how the Republicans
plan to fix them, And the Republican Iran Plan. Child Molesters, Great Bad Plans, and bad math plague the Republican party and we are here to talk about it all. I am working on some different recording styles and I have not found the rigth flow yet. We are going to be doing some more readings in the future as well as some radio plays. Keep listening. Here are so good links everyone should check out.

1> The Republican Child Protection of children against LGBT...

2> Rick Perry forgets...

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Modern Problems Live for the week of October 22nd 2011

After over a month of rest, we here at Modern Problems have come back with a new found vigor. We cover the Occupy New York, Ding Dong Gadhafi is dead, and how Congress is stalling until the next elections. We also try to solve the mysteries of time, space, and the afterlife. Listen in and let us know what you think of the show. We have gotten in some new equipment and we test it out by calling Richard Burr's office in Washington DC.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Modern Problems Live for the week of September 17th 2011

I saw this sign and start wondering at what point does water become to dirty to drink but still clean enough to wash our hands?
And does the water in the break room sinks come from a different water source?
Another thought would be, who got caught drinking out of the sink?
So you find these kind of question interesting then you should listen to this episode of Modern Problems Live. We cover the same old thing but with new viger. SO listen in and let us know what you think.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Modern Problems Live September 10, 2011

Episode from Sep 10th, 2011. Not sure what is happening to the world. I am selling my house, buying a new house, and moving... I am so freaked out. So here is the show from the 10th. Enjoy.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Modern Problems Live September 03, 2011

I have another Episode of MPL. I know I said I would have three shows uploaded but I got side tracked. I am selling and buying houses right now. So on this show we once again start in the middle of a topic. I promise I will learn how to use the new recording program. But listen in and let us know what you think.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Modern Problems Live August 27, 2011

Here is another show for the masses. Here is another show for the masses. We are talking up a storm. I have switched over to PC and I am having to learn a new program for editing the shows. So I am going to be up loading 3 episodes today. I hope you enjoy and I am still working on getting the levels right.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Modern Problems Live for July 16th, 2011

Here is the episode for July 16th 2011. We cover the Woopie Goldberg reaction, The debt ceiling, and taking the law into your own hands. This podcast Doug and Tony go back and forth. Give us a listen and let us know what you think. Hey, also our numbers have dropped. Whats the deal? Leave a comment so something. Later!

Friday, July 8, 2011

Modern Problems Live July 02, 2011

July 2, 2011 episode is up. We talk about a local story, the cost of the Republican agenda, and what does it mean to be an American. If any of these topics sound like some thing you would like to hear about then listen. And don't forget to let us know what you think and give us something to talk about. We are always looking for topics and news to cover.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Modern Problems Live June 25, 2011

Ok, I am all caught up on the episodes of Modern Problems Live. We are looking for some emails from listeners. So hit us up if you have something to say, I would love to hear from you out there.

Modern Problems Live June 18, 2011

Modern Problems Live for june 18th uploaded at last. I know it has been a week and I will upload this weeks show shortly but I have been going thru some things at home... BLAH BLAH BLAH! The truth is I have been lazy. So listen in and let us know what you think.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Modern Problems Live for June 11th, 2011

One this episode...

Sarah Palin, the Poor, and Mexican Clothing makes your topic list this week. Listen in. Let us know what you think and as always, Thanks...

Modern Problems Live for May 28th, 2011

In this episode you will find the matters of Life, Death, and everything between... And maybe some laughs. So listen in and tells us what you think.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Modern Problems Live for May 21st, 2011

The Episode for May 21st, 2011.

Me and Tony are alone this week. We are on location for the Rature. If you are still around to listen to this epiode we cover the topics of: The Rapture, Platfroms to run on, and Voting rights. So give us a listen and let us know what you think.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Modern Problems Live for May 14th, 2011

This week we talk about:

1>CEOs from the five major oil companies -- which together booked $36 billion in profits in the first quarter of 2011 alone -- went to the Senate on Thursday to try to justify the $4 billion in tax giveaways they're receiving this year.

2> More than 75 Catholic college professors sent a publicly released letter to House Speaker John Boehner saying that the budget he supported will hurt the poor, elderly and vulnerable.

3> On Friday, the Michigan Messenger broke the news that the emergency financial manager had suspended the powers of Benton Harbor officials

So give the show a listen and let us know what you think. Leave us a comment. And until next time friends...

Monday, May 9, 2011

Modern Problems Live for May 7th, 2011

This week episode we talk about the death of the wicked witch of the middle east, Superman, Health Care levels, and the human reactions. Please live us review and let us know what you think about the show.

Osama Bin Laden is dead. The party can begin.

Are you a Superman fan? Should Superman be a US citizen?

What is healthy? Salt is good for now and milk makes you fat. What are the rules now? Are the standard of what is healthy getting to low?

Modern Problems Live May 07, 2011

Monday, April 25, 2011

NerdVille Gaming April 21, 2011

So, after falling of the horse... We climb back up again.. Something like that. So here is a new episode of the NerdVille Gaming podcast, once known as Modern Gamers View. We are playing with names and also with format so please listen and let us know what you think. Also we are going to be working on updating our Youtube channel.

Modern Problems Live April. 23, 2011

We talk about Christian America, Taxes, and so other stuff. Check out the episode. We also work out some of the levels.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Modern Problems Live April 15th 2011

So here is the newest episode of Modern Problems Live. We are rocking so new equipment and trying a new format. Let us know what you think.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Modern Problems Live March 5th, 2011

Ok, something special has happened. Two podcast in one day! this never happens... Well almost never... Well ok it nothing special but Here is the latest Episode of Modern Problems Live. We talk about this and that but mostly ass. So enjoy and talk to us.

Modern Problems Live Feb. 26, 2011

Here is the Episode for Modern Problems Live 26th of February. Enjoy. As always we join the trio in the middle of their topics.

Monday, February 28, 2011

Modern Problems Live Feb. 19th 2011

Modern Problems Live for Feb. 19th 2011. We are trying out new record equipment and filters as we talk about our topics. So check it out and let us know what you think.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Modern Problems Live - Feb 5th, 2011

Live show from Feb 5th, 2011. Back in the cave and talking about stuff. This podcast is brought to you by ME, JT! I have always keep a low key on the blog and on the shows but now I feel that maybe I should start yelling and throwing around my ideas. I pay for everything, I edit the shows, and I am the driving force behind what is released to the public. So with that in mind, I give out unto the world mr latest piece of sh...work! Modern Problem Live - Feb 5th, 2011. Enjoy!

Modern Problems Live Episode 02

So in the spirit of us moving forward I am going to be throwing a lot of live podcast up on the feeds. These are raw, unedited, and to way they are meant to be hear. So listen in and let us know what you think. Episode 02 of the Live show is ready.

Modern Problems Live - Jan 29th, 2011

I think we have gotten the new title of the shows worked out. I am not keeping track of the episodes anymore. The podcast has become something we record when we have something to say and with that in mind we are now just going to name the show the date it was recorded. So here is what we recorded on Jan, 29th of 2011. Enjoy and let us know what you think. I am still working on the levels and stuff. I really would like to get better recording equipment but hey... I use what I got.

NerdVille Culture Ep 01

To everyone out there who still listens to us on this blog and podcast, I thank you. As you know we have been going thru some changes over the last year, looking for our path and trying different tactics to get our thoughts out. We have gone from video games to government and back again. But here is yet something else new. I start out for Matt/Chris's house one day and thought, "Hey I should call Tony over and record something." So that is what I did. Here is the outcome from that day and I hope everyone enjoys the topics. I am calling this NerdVille Culture Podcast because I really could not come up with another title that sounded right. This is Chris, Matt, Tony, and Me (JT) sitting around a table talking about what comes to mind. I think we start off with Transformers and move on to other worlds. This podcast has no intro and there is no added music, what happen is what you get. I am going to start doing that with all of the other podcast we do, starting with the next episode of Modern Problems with J&D featuring Tony (which will be called Modern Problems Live). Email me if you like what you hear and coming soon I am going to setup a phone number for the show so we can have voicemails.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Season 2 Episode 2 - The Nerdville

Evolution has happened! Modern Gamers View podcast has grown/morphed into something new. A podcast with no equal nor name. Check this out. We are working on moving up in the world. Soon the new NerdVille podcast group will be up and running. All MGV Crew podcast will be under one house.

Modern Problems with J&D Episode 23

This is it, this is the new Episode. The podcast of the year. We give our top tens of 2010. If you wanted to know what we thought was the biggest event of 2010, looking no longer. You have found Modern Problems with J&D featuring Tony. It podcast of all podcast. A product of such great importance to the world. Follow us and we will show you the light....