Well this must be a good day. Another Playstation podcast uploaded. So here is Episode 22 of the MGV Playstation crew. Check out the podcast and let us know what you think.
After taking a bit of a break, the MGV Crew is back with Episode 47! We throw out our thoughts on Lost Planet 2, cover a few old games we've finished up and discuss a couple of the blockbusters that have come out in our down time this month. Also we go over a bit of news concerning Modern Warfare 2 among other things. So, give it a listen, and as always toss a comment our way if you're feeling frisky.
Yup, we've finally gotten Episode 46 up for folks to listen to. It's a bit dated, but we go over Splinter Cell Conviction and Tiber helps relate some cool news for a possible upcoming Podcast with someone in the biz of creating games.