Monday, March 30, 2009
Can you get too much Halo?
MGV Episode 04

This weeks podcast is up and ready for you followers out there to download. New music, new format, and new bigger laughs await anyone who listens.
Monday, March 23, 2009
New Intro for the Podcast
Monday, March 16, 2009
MGV Episode 03 Is Up
For the third show I would like to change things up a bit. So segment 1 will be the norm of us going over the games we have been playing since last time and going over the homework.
And after we talk about the games we have been playing we will go into segment 2
For segment 2 I would like to talk about the recent news about the kid in Canada who ran away from home and then died when he fell out of the tree. I really don’t want to go over the death of the kid but instead I would like to talk about how the media twist and turns facts into fiction. And along with this I would like to go into the childhood of ourselves. Tell stories about when we were younger and how games played into our daily lives. Also go into any story that you remember that effected you in anyway. For example I would tell the story of when my dad and I spent hours playing Faxnanado on the NES. It was a school night and my dad told me to go to bed but my room as across from where he was playing the game. I would sneak into the room and watch him play. After the third time of telling me to go to bed, he let me sit next to him and watch. We stayed up until 5 in the morning the next day finishing the game. It was by far the most memorial time I had playing a video game. I think we all have stories like this and we can go over all of them. I think that it would get us more at ease with each other and talking on the podcast.
Now after Segment 2 we go into any news and home for the next podcast
[Segment 3]
In the news we have the selling off of Midway and MK to the highest bidder. We could talk about what kind of MK game we would like to see.
Now for homework. What I would like to do is for us to get an achievement that you don’t already have and talk about how to get the achievement. What we could do is say which achievement we are going for in what game. We should make it a good and hard one. And then on the next podcast we could talk about how we got the achievement.
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Episode 02 is Here
Intro Plays:
Welcome once again to the bi-weekly podcast of the Modern Gamers View. I’m TheMuffin and I’ll be holding the reigns for this episode.
Along with me today is the ever venerable
TiberWolf. Gamertag TiberWolf3rd.
Also joining us are two folks you’ve all yet to meet.
Richard Munch?
As with last week, I’d just like to state the goal of the podcast. To give you, the listener an unabashed viewpoint on the games we play from a gamers point of view. No bought off review site politics, no ‘holier than thou’ downtalking. We speak about the games on your level because we’re on your level. So with that, lets bust into the first part of podcast #2.
[Segment 1]
As will become customary to every show, we start off with an update on what everybody has been playing in the prior two weeks. Since the last show left us with “homework” to play The Darkness and Dark Sector, we’ll cover those two first.
Tiber... Played Star War Force Unleashed, Street Fighter IV, a little COD 4, and the home work games.
Muffin… Uhh, I didn’t get to cover The Darkness because my system not only red ringed, but after fixing that, it also stopped reading discs for a night or two. So only covering Dark Sector this week. Also going over Street Fighter IV.
[Segment 2 (After little break music)]
With segment three I’ll be passing control over to Tiber as this is his pet subject. That being the difference between a good story, and a good narrative. Also bringing up the idea that a game can have one or the other, both, or neither including examples.
“So let me define what i think narration means. A narration is the process of which a story is told. The actions, words, and emotion that happens during the telling of a story.
And that means that a story can be defined by the over all events, actions, emotions, and thoughts that are shown through the narration. A story is what surrounds the narrative and gives the action scope.
So with that in mind, can you have a good story with bad narration? Can a bad story be over looked if the narration of the story is done well? Let me give some examples of each to start.
broken and imcomplete. With Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare being the closest the series has ever gotten to telling a fulfilling story that seems to work. “
“another contrite discussion on the subject with all parties involved”
[Segment 4 after a break (play break Music)]
So with that, we come to our final topic. Homework. Last week, as stated earlier, we covered a “Dark” theme with The Darkness and Dark Sector. This week, we’re going to keep to a more money conscious mindset and keep things simple. The homework is very straight forward. Go through your collection, find a game you haven’t finished, and complete it. Not to 100% unless you want to, but at the very least, finish the main story line. Even if it’s a game you haven’t had time to trade in because it was horrible beyond belief, it’s your duty to put time into it for the next two weeks.
In closing, If there are any games you would like us to try out or if you are looking for some people to play online with, send us an email at Also be sure to visit the site at to get a condensed transcript of this episode or to leave us a comment.
So until next time have a great day from the MGV crew and make sure you “*Tune” in to hear what we’ve got on our minds a couple weeks from now!
[Outro plays…]
*lol, bad pun alert.