Thursday, December 31, 2009

We have an affiliate!

Just as a quick update between Podcasts and random news, we'd like to make you aware of our first affiliate! The are a web based reseller of aftermarket items for your next gen gaming systems. Everyone, I'd like to introduce you to! They are rated over a 9.3 on and from personal experience, have the best selection of cases, lighting mods and other goodies I have ever seen on a single website.

I have personally bought items from them on 3 different occasions without a problem. Shipping is quick and cheap, and you can always get a response from them in a timely manner.
So, if you've been looking to get rid of your drab white Xbox 360 case or just want to add some flair to your system, stop by and have a look around. With well over 250 items in stock, you're sure to find something that will add a little bit extra to your console of choice!

Thursday, December 24, 2009


MGV Playstation Episode 14

Hello to all of the listeners out there. we have a great episode for you today. The MGV Playstation goes over the games of the year. So listen up and see what you think.

And Our winners are:

Game of the year - PS3
Jt- Demons Souls
Matt- Uncharted 2
Will- Infamous
Chris- Killzone 2

And the winner is: Uncharted 2 (but Demons Souls is better)

Game of the year - cross platform
Jt- Need for Speed Shift
Matt- Borderlands
Will- Batman
Chris- Assassin Creed 2

And the winner is: Borderlands

Game of the year - PSN
Jt- Braid
Matt- Pixel Junk Shooter
Will- Fat Princess
Chris- Zombie Apocalypse

And the winner is: Pixel Junk Shooter

Game of the year - PSP
Jt- Assassin Creed Bloodlines
Will- Tekken 6
Chris- Little Big Planet PSP

And the winner is: Little Big Planet PSP

Comic/movie game of the year
Jt- Marvel Alliance 2
Matt- Ghostbusters
Will- Batman
Chris- Wolverine

And the winner is: Batman

Best Original IP of the Year
Jt- Infamous
Matt- Saboteur
Will- Demon Souls
Chris- Borderlands

And the winner is: infamous

Best Downloadable Content
Jt- Fallout 3
Matt- Burnout Paradise the Island
Will- Socom New Maps and Classes
Chris- Saboteur

And the winner is: Fallout 3 with a very close Burnout Paradise in 2nd.

Time = 56:11

Games we are looking forward to for 2010.

Heavy Rain
3D Dot Hero
White Knight Chronicles
God of War 3
Dante’s' Inferno
Dead Space 2
Star Wars Force Unleashed 2
Mass Effect 2
Mod Nation Racers
Fallout Las Vegas
Star Trek Online
Bioshock 2
GT 5
Resistance 3
Batman 2
Final Fantasy XIII

Saturday, December 19, 2009

MGV Episode 37

Episode 37 is up! So we run into a few problems getting the newest member of our crew up and running. However, I decided to give all the listeners an inside peek at the IT profession this week... AKA the fact that most of us have no idea how to do anything aside from asking "did you reboot"? So with that said, download it, listen to us make jackasses of ourselves and please post some comments. Oh we also do a quick insight on SpikeTV's video game awards and throw out our own "Game of the Year" picks. Join us next time a scant few days after Christmas where we'll go over some random holiday news as well as what we may have received on the 25th! With that said, download, listen and enjoy!

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Batman 2 and Star Wars Force Unleashed 2!

Uncharted 2 voted the game of the year!!! Really? -- Posted by MGV Tiber

I am not sure of Uncharted 2 is the best of the best in the video game realm that was released this. A great game, Yes! Hell Yes! But so is Assassin's Creed 2, Batman, and others. What makes Uncharted 2 the best? I would like to hear from people out on the interwebs and get their thoughts on this subject.

(The video come from

Halo Reach. Multiple Spartans! - Posted on

Mass Effect 2 trailer! Looking good!

One of my favorite videos

If you haven't ever seen any of the Rooster Teeth videos you should, check them out at

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

MGV Playstation Episode 13

Another great episode of MGV Playstation is ready to download. In this podcast Jt, Wil , Chris, and I discuss the games we've played, we talk about upcoming MMOs and we introduce a new segment in the podcast called TSV, to find out what TSV is download the new episode here.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

MGV Episode 36

Episode 36 is up and running away with your wife! And here. We. Go. Another exceptional episode of the Modern Gamers View is up and ready for your ears. This week we go a bit more in depth into Assassins Creed 2 and as always, fumble along while insulting as many demographics as we can. ENJOY!

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

MGV Episode 35

Episode 35 is up and running! A couple changes in staffing and responsibilities, some new contacts out in the world and we go over a few new games and movies that have recently been released.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

MGV Episode 34

Anyone looking for Episode 34 of the MGV Podcast? Well look no farther, here is what you seek. This week we talk about games we have been playing, Modern Warfare2 of course. We talk about the contest for a free copy of the harden edition. So give us a listen and then let us know what you think.

MGV Playstation Episode 11

Here is Episode 11 of the MGV Playstation Podcast. This week we talk with Matt, Chris, Will, and me(JT). We go over games we have been playing and anything up coming that we are looking forward to. We talk about the COD Modern Warfare 2 give away and how You the listeners can win your very own copy. So check out the episode and let us know what you think.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

MGV Episode 33

This is it. The game we have been waiting for. On Tuesday you can start playing COD Modern Warfare 2. We will popping head shots on the Xbox and PS3 all day. So if you want game with the MGV Crew just look up our gamer tags. Here is the latest episode, Episode 33, here we start the contest for the third game give away. Yes folks, you can have your very own, brand new, COD MODERN WARFARE 2 FOR THE XBOX 360. All you have to do is listen to the podcast.

MGV Episode 32

Here is the next episode. A little late and not much going on this week. Everyone is looking forward to next week and COD Modern Warfare 2. Also we just first finished up the contest for the Uncharted 2 and gave away your second game. Next week we start the contest for Modern Warfare 2 so get ready.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

MGV Playstation 10

It's the latest and greatest podcast for the Playstation. Check it out here! We have a winner for our contest, also we discuss netflix coming to the PS3 and Final Fantasy XIII

Monday, October 26, 2009

MGV Episode 31

Well here we are looking at the upcoming one year of MGV podcast. If you have not heard any of our podcast then Episode 31 is a great place to start. We introduce new friends and have the entire family together. "What are your three top games and what is one game you are looking forward to?" are the questions of the day. We also re-cap to "MGV podtest" gave-away for Uncharted 2. What else...

So leave us some feed back or write up a comment about what are your three favorite games and what are your looking for to in the future?

Friday, October 23, 2009

MGV Episode 30

"So where is episode 30?" you ask. Well here it is. It's a short one. I just got back from camping and also coming down with the Flu. So list to it and leave a comment.

Monday, October 19, 2009

MGV Playstation Episode 09

MGV Playstation Episode 9 is up for all to download. Tiber abandons us to go camping this week but all goes well. We introduce a new co-host in this episode plus give out the 7th and final clue for the Contest to win a copy of Uncharted 2 among Thieves.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

No Episode this week.

So this week we recorded the best podcast ever. It was a hour and a half of the best audio that anyone has ever heard. The audio was so good that we can't let anyone listen to it in fear that all who did would start killing themselves in sadness knowing that they would never again hear anything as perfect. So to save the lives of everyone who listens to our podcast, I am saving your lives. So until next week. We will continue the contest on Saturday by giving out the last two clues. On Sunday we will go over all of the clues so far and make sure that all information is out. So until then my friends...

Thursday, October 8, 2009

MGV Episode 28

So here us the new episode. Sorry about being a little late but here is the next clue. So check it out and let us know if you know what the item is for the hunt. A free copy of Uncharted 2 is your if you can find the item.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

MGV Playstation Episode 08

So we meet again. This week you get another clue. Listen carefully and maybe, just maybe you can pick out the answer.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

MGV Episode 27

So here is the newest episode. Trying to get the time limit do to 30 minutes or less but things didn't work out that way. So here an hour of laughter for half the cost. And we also give away the third clue in the Uncharted 2 contest. Find our item and win you copy. So listen up and let us know what you think.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

MGV Playstation 07 here!

So who wants a free copy of the hottest game coming out this year? MGV is giving away a free copy of Uncharted 2. Listen to the podcast for details and maybe get your copy.

MGV Episode 26

We are getting close to the one year make here at MGV. Last month went well with the game give away of Batman and next month is looking good with Uncharted 2. So listen to episode 07 of the playstation podcast for the rules and clues. And BTW here is the next episode of MGV and the second clue you need for the hunt...

Thursday, September 17, 2009

MGV Episode 25

Sup? The new episode is up and WE HAVE A WINNER!!!! We have given away Batman and now we are hard at work coming up with clues for the next give away. So listen to the show and let us know what you think.

Friday, September 11, 2009

MGV Episode 24 here!

SO we have gotten to Episode 24. The contest to give away a free copy of Batman for the xbox 360 is still going on. So send in your answers to the riddle found in episode 23. Also be on the lookout for next month's game giveaway, Uncharted 2 for the PS3. Also check us out on iTunes and leave some reviews.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

MGV Playstation 06

MGV Playstation episode 06 is up and ready for everyone. In this episode we change the way we recorded the podcast so this is like a test to see how it sounds. We talk about the games we've played, updates to the PS3, and about next month's contest to win a copy of Uncharted 2. So check it out and let us know what you think.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

MGV Episode 23 (And so it begins...)

So we have gotten another great episode done and uploaded. You can download it from iTunes or from right here. As you might not know we here at MGV always try to get people to listen and email in to the show. We welcome all comments and reviews. So in order to help get the word out we have started a contest. A contest in which the prize is a brand new copy of Batman for the XBOX 360. We have given out a riddle in the show and whoever emails in the answer wins. So spread the word and send in your guesses. If no one gets the right answer then we will choose the best answer. We are not going to repeat the riddle so if you want in you are going to have to listen to this episode. As always leave us some comments, ideas, and/or reviews.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

MGV Episode 20

Episode 20 is up and ready for everyone to enjoy. We had a couple a guest joining us this week and zombies are the talk of the town. Check it our and let us know what you think. Drop us an email at

MGV Playstation 04

SO here is MGV Playstation episode 04. Its good and we really get into the details of a lot of great upcoming games. We cover.....

Monday, August 3, 2009

MGV Episode 19

So here is episode 19. Check it out. The tech gremlins attack and the show goes down in flames, all for our enjoyment. So listen in and let us know what you think. Drop us an email at or the new email address of

MGV Episode 18

Episode 18 is up. After many weeks of waiting we have finally got our shit together and put up the next podcast. Episodes 17-19 will be up at the same time so download them all.

MGV Episode 17

Episode 17 is up. After many weeks of waiting we have finally got our shit together and put up the next podcast. Episodes 17-19 will be up at the same time so download them all.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

MGV Playstation Episode 03 (We grow in numbers)

So here is the new episode of the MGV Playstation podcast. We call about games, movies, Sony, and add a new member to the Crew. Check this episode out and leave us a comment or two. Don't forget that you can also find us on iTunes by doing a search for MGV.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009


Episode 16 is up and we remembered half way thru that MGV Podcast have been about games in the past. SO check it out Here and enjoy. Remember that we could always use some feed back and/or reviews on iTunes.


Monday, June 29, 2009

!Spoiler Warning! MGV TF2 Special

!!Spoilers Warnings!! In this weeks episode we talk about the Transformers 2 movie in detail and if you haven't seen it yet then don't listen to this podcast until you do. We have the normal MGV crew (Muffin, Munch, and Tiber) joined by the MGV PlayStation cast of Matt and Chris. So List to the cast and then let us know what you think about the show. Email us at, leave comments on the blog, and/or leave a review on iTunes. So enjoy the show.

Monday, June 22, 2009

MGV Episode 15 (Muffins Return)

Ok, another week gone by and another podcast in the can. Muffin returns and Munch runs short. We cover this and that and some more. Check us out here and leave some reviews. Better yet send us an email and we will answer it on air.

The Muffin

The Muffin has been spotted wearing the MGV colors. Now the next target is Tiber. And for all those out there with MGV shirts don't forget to send in pics.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

MGV Episode 14

Ok! Episode 14 is here. Download it today and check the great podcast hosted by me (Tiber) and the very funny Richard Munch. We laugh, we cry, and we talk about stuff. It's an event to be heard.

MGV Playstation Episode 01

Well here is the next Podcast for the MGV Playstation group. Hope the wait was worth it. Be sure to download it and don't forget to tell all of your friends. Also don't forget that we could really use some reviews on iTunes and comments are always welcome.

MGV Crew

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Richard Munch Sporting the Shirt

This Could Be You!!! If you want a T-Shirt sign up for the MGV Crew and I will send you one.

Monday, June 8, 2009

MGV Episode 13 (Post E3 and other stuff...)

Post E3 show with all of the trimmings. SO here is what we thought, hated, like, and wanted from the 2009 E3.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

MGV Episode 12 (Running Late)

So here is the new episode. A little late this week. Here are our E3 wants and hopes. After E3 we will have a week wrap up.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

MGV Playstation Episode 00

Well Here is the new show MGV Playstation. This is the first episode and we get to meet the Playstation Crew. Chris, Matt, and JT. So give it a listen and let us what you think. We go over what we have been playing as well as E3 stuff. So if you have any comments or ideas let us know by emailing, leaving a review, or just talking about us to some friends. Email address is

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Episode 11 (New Voice)

On this episode we introduce a new voice and announce the new podcast MGV Playstation. So give us a listen and leave comments and reviews. Click Here to download and/or Click Here to Subscribe on iTunes.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Episode 10 (Over the Hump)

Well we made it to episode 10. Here it is. So check it out and leave us some comments. Email me us at So have a good and and see you on the interwebs...

Monday, May 11, 2009

The Great Lost Episode 05

Will here is the long lost episode everyone has been looking for. So downoad it here and then give us a review or comment. Also if you what to join the MGV Crew let me know by sending the me an email at So enjoy.

This recording is raw and unedited. You have been warned.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Tech problems kill all chances for new podcast

Hello to all. We tried to record a podcast on Sunday and damn Murphy's Law. Everything and more went wrong. So after a couple of hours of trying we just called it quits and next week we will start back up. Also in the works is the first MGV video podcast, so be sure to be on the look out for that. So sorry for the lack of a Podcast this week and if you have anything to add please email us at

Saturday, May 2, 2009

MGV T-shirts are here

Hello to all MGV fans out there. We have the first batch of MGV t-shirts to give away. All I need for you to do is leave comments on iTunes or leave a comment on the blog and subscribe to the podcast. I have eight shirts to give away. So after you leave a comment and subscribe shot me an email at with your name, address and t-shirt size.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

And this could be you!

Here is a MGV Member showing off the MGV Crew T-shirt. He got this for leaving a review on iTunes. So if you want a shirt to show off your favorite podcast please leave a review on iTunes and send me your address so I can drop a shirt in the mail. Send the email to

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

MGV Episode 08

Episode 08 is uploaded and ready for download. Get it Here. We go over this and that be mostly just stuff.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Huge Sale at Best Buy Next Week!

For the folks following us, be sure you check out your local Best Buy's this coming week. Starting Sunday, the following list of titles for the specified systems will be $10.... Yes. I'm not joking. $10 measily dollars. Considering many of these are still $40+ it's an incredible deal if you've been holding out for a price drop.

So with that said, enjoy the list!

Xbox 360

007 Quantum of Solace
Alone in the Dark
Blitz 2
Bourne Conspiracy
C&C 3: Kanes Wrath
C&C: Red Alert 3
Clive Barkers Jericho
Condemned 2
Devil May Cry 4
Enemy Territory Quake Wars
Golden Compass
Infinite Undiscovery
NBA Ballers Chosen One
NFL Head Coach 09
NFL Tour
NHL 2k9
Operation Darkness
Rock Revolution
Silent Hill: Homecoming
Solder of Fortune 3
Soul Calibur 4
Spiderwick Chronicles
TNA Impact
Too Human
Turning Point
Universe at War
Unreal Tournament 3
Warhammer Battle March
WWE 2008


007: Quantum of Solace
Blitz 2
Bourne Conspiracy
Cliver Barker's Jericho
Disney Sing It w/Mic
Enemy Territory: Quake Wars
Ferrari Challenge
Guitar Hero 3
Guitar Hero Aerosmith
Hail to the Chimp
Lost Planet: Extreme Conditions
MLB 08: The Show
NBA Ballers Chosen One
NFL Head Coach
NFL Tour
Overlord: Raising Hell
Rock Band
Rock Revolution
Singstar ABBA
Singstar Vol 2
Soul Calibur 4
TNA Impact


Dancing with the Stars
Disney's High School Muisca
Disney Sing It w/ Microphones
High School Musical 3
Monster Lab
Naked Brothers Band w/microphone
Shrek's Carnival Craze
Singstar Country Bundle
The Golden Compass
The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor
Think Fast with controllers


Cheetah Girls: Passport
Disney: Cory in the House
Energy Dance Squad
Engergy Gym rockets
Imagine Ballet Star
Imagine Movie Star
Imagine Rock Star
Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon
My Fashion Studio
Naked Bros Band
Ninja Gaiden: DS
Ninja Reflex
Petz Rescue Endangered
Prince of Persia
Quantum of Solace
Rock Revolution
Tales of Desperaux
Tecmo Bowl
Ultimate Band
WWE 2009 Smackdown


Battle of the Bands
Naked Brothers Band W/MICR
PETZ Crazy Monkeyz
Popstar Guitar
Samba De Amigo
Tales of Desperaux
The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor


Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Left 4 Dead DLC has been released!

For those that have grown tired of L4D and have shelved it in favor of something else, it's time for you to return. Valve and Microsoft have released the Downloadable Content for it which features a handful of worthwhile things.

-Survival Mode-

Try your damndest to survive the horde in a standoff to the death. Enjoy the final battles from the campaign? Well now you can indulge in them without having to go through the entire chapter first!

-Two new campaigns for Versus Mode-

Well not technically new, but Valve has released the other two maps from the campaign for use in Infected vs. Survivors. Those being Dead Air and Death Toll. Expect a few slightly significant changes to the layouts, but overall you'll be familiar with everything.

So get downloading and we hope to see you online!

Monday, April 13, 2009

MGV Episode 07

Episode 07 is up and ready. Weekly MGV updates and some rants about this and that. We have some new MGV Crew members introduced and a new homework. So give it a listen and send us comments. Download Here!